A church group I am part of recently discussed the topic of bounded-sets vs. centered-sets. You can read more about what those mean in that link; I’m not really going to expound much on it here because that’s not the point of what I’m writing about. Out of that discussion, one member suggested an exercise in which we all reflect on, and share if we wish, a time where we felt “out” of a bounded-set.
Wreck-It Ralph: A Parable on Patriarchy
[I feel like I shouldn’t really have to say this, but… this post contains spoilers for the 2012 Disney film Wreck-It Ralph.]
During my children’s most recent viewing of one of their favorite films, Wreck-It Ralph, one scene jumped out at me from the hazy, half-listening fog of getting stuff done while my kids have screen time. About halfway through the film 2 male characters – the protagonist and the antagonist of the story – have a conversation about what is in the best interest of an absent female character. In and around that conversation, both King Candy and Wreck-It Ralph claim that they are “doing what’s best” for Vanellope.
It was enough to make me groan out loud.
But then it began to dawn on me: this movie contains a parable of sorts… a parable about Patriarchy.
Questions I’d Like to Ask Romeo While Watching Catboy vs. Robocat
As a mother of 2 small children who experiences repeated viewings/readings/etc. of the same kids’ media ad nauseam, I have found myself growing overly critical of what is meant to be simple, innocent entertainment for small children. I share my sarcastic analyses of harmless kids’ entertainment in this ongoing feature…
Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment: PJ Masks, S1E7
PJ Masks has been a favorite of my kids for a couple years, and there is just so much to say about this show. I mean, I could probably write an entire post on all my issues with simply the theme song alone. So there’s no way I could overanalyze the whole show in a concise way. Instead I decided to focus on one episode – my oldest son’s favorite episode – “Catboy vs. Robocat.” Here are many of the questions I would like to ask Romeo, the nighttime villain & continual foe of the PJ Masks, after my 120th (or so) viewing of this episode.
Continue readingFinding Jesus in Game of Thrones
[This post may contain spoilers for the entire series of Game of Thrones]
What does Jesus look like?
I’m not trying to start a debate about whether Jesus is white or some such nonsense. [He’s not. He was born in the Middle East. Why is this still a thing people talk about??] I mean, what does Jesus look like in your mind? What do you see when you picture Jesus? Do you even picture Jesus, or is he abstract to you?
This is something I’ve been thinking about lately as my mind has been processing the series wrap of Game of Thrones.
*record scratch*
Hold up.
Why would Game of Thrones make me think about Jesus? — you, my imaginary reader, may ask.
Continue readingFree Thoughts on the Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer
The trailer for Game of Thrones season 8 was released this week. While most normal fans are probably spending their time pondering important questions like – “Who will end up on the Iron Throne?” or “How will they defeat the White Walkers?” or “What will happen between Jon & Daenerys?” – I find myself lingering on other, weirder questions.
Since I’m endlessly amused by my own oddball brain, I figured why not share my initial trailer musings with the world?