Mama Ain’t Got Time to Read

I miss books

Recently I ran across this Facebook memory of one of my posts from 2013:

Other people have to make their husbands hide their book from them so they’ll do normal functions like eat & sleep, right? That’s not just me? It’s totally normal adult behavior?

It’s really difficult to try to convey the feelings of loss that memory stirred up within me. I felt gut-punched to be confronted by this former self whose life was so defined by books, when nowadays books – actual, physical books – play almost no part in my life. It felt like glimpsing a ghost. Because the woman who wrote that in 2013 is gone.

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Welcome to My Writings

Oh goody, another blog! Said no one ever.

A couple years ago, a good friend said to me, “You should really start a blog.” I responded with an extravagant eye roll and: “The world needs another white lady blog like it needs a hole in the head.”

This exchange tells you 2 things about me:

1 – I should really be nicer to my friends. Didn’t need to bite her head off, Steph!  She was trying to compliment and encourage you. A simple “thank you” would have sufficed.

2 – I’m under no delusion that my voice or my writing is crucial to society.

So why am I starting a blog when it’s at best a completely unnecessary hobby and at worst a vain exercise in self-glorification?

Short answer: Because I want to. I like writing.

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