Free Thoughts on the Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer

The trailer for Game of Thrones season 8 was released this week. While most normal fans are probably spending their time pondering important questions like – “Who will end up on the Iron Throne?” or “How will they defeat the White Walkers?” or “What will happen between Jon & Daenerys?” – I find myself lingering on other, weirder questions.

Since I’m endlessly amused by my own oddball brain, I figured why not share my initial trailer musings with the world?

Here I present my stream of consciousness while watching the season 8 Game of Thrones trailer

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Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment: Toy Story (Part 2)

Part 2 – All About The Ladies

If you haven’t read Part 1 of Stephanie Overanalyzes Toy Story, you may want to do so before continuing.

I’ll Take My Feminism Where I Can Get It

Let’s face it, the Toy Story universe doesn’t have an abundance of female characters. The first 2 movies can’t even pass the Bechdel test. Toy Story 3 adds at least 5 named female characters, and really builds on the strong characterization Jessie got in Toy Story 2 by giving the girls crucial, if not major, roles in the story. Continue reading

Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment: Toy Story (Part 1)

As a mother of 2 small children who experiences repeated viewings/readings/etc. of the same kids’ media ad nauseam, I have found myself growing overly critical of what is meant to be simple, innocent entertainment for small children. I share my sarcastic analyses of harmless kids’ entertainment in this ongoing feature: Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment.

Toy Story

Toy Story is a Disney-Pixar animated film from 1995, directed by John Lasseter and written by… a whole bunch of famous screenwriters. Wow. It was followed up with sequels: Toy Story 2 in 1999 and Toy Story 3 in 2010. Toy Story 4 is set to be released in 2019, and my family is really excited! Because for a solid 2 years Toy Story was my oldest son’s favorite thing in the whole wide world. My house is littered with Toy Story paraphernalia, and there’s at least 1 Toy Story article of clothing in my laundry every week. I have seen and listened to the 3 Toy Story movies + 2 holiday specials SO MANY more times than I ever would’ve imagined. Don’t get me wrong; I like Toy Story. This trilogy was among my favorite of Pixar’s films long before I had children. Isaac only fell in love with Toy Story in the first place because I got him hooked on them. And even after an unfathomable number of viewings, I still think these are great films. Continue reading

Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment: Curious George and the Bunny

As a mother of 2 small children, I spend a lot of time around children’s entertainment in many forms: movies, TV shows, songs, books, etc. Most children’s entertainment is at worst mildly irritating while mostly harmless, and at best able to make you, a grown adult, openly weep from 2 rooms away. (Why am I never prepared for the end of Inside Out? That movie WRECKS ME.) As I experience repeated viewings/readings/etc. of the same kids’ media ad nauseam, I find myself growing overly critical of what is meant to be simple, innocent entertainment for small children. (I’m sure no other parent can identify with this.) I figured if I’m going to be this sarcastically over-analytical about harmless kids’ entertainment, I really should share it with the world. So I am introducing an ongoing feature for my blog: Stephanie Overanalyzes Children’s Entertainment.

Our first installment features everyone’s favorite trouble-making monkey

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