
I started this site simply as a place to exercise my writing. I have many interests, and therefore many topics on which I like to write. Here is just a little bit about me…

I am a mother of two boys, who take all my energy and replace it with a bone-tired joy for life. I have been married for 15 years to my college sweetheart, Brandon. I grew up the 3rd of 4 sisters, and the 6 of us in my family of origin are still very close, despite our physical distance. I am a fiercely loyal friend and have been blessed with some truly spectacular groups of friends in my different stages of life.

I’m a total Hufflepuff, an Enneagram 9, and an ISFJ on the Myers-Briggs.

I’m really good at dessert. I love to travel and have at least 150 places I want to see. I enjoy watching sports, but am terrible at participating in them. I love Broadway musicals. I don’t believe there’s such a thing as too much guacamole. My favorite movie is Pitch Perfect; there’s no use pretending otherwise. I’m a big proponent of eating what you want: life should include ice cream! Small talk makes me want to punch people. I’ve been to Disney World more times than I can count. I love to laugh. Reading is my favorite.