
Writing is one of my joys in life, and something I want to challenge myself to do more often. I created this blog simply as a place to practice and publish my writing on sundry subjects that interest me. I hope it will bring amusement and entertainment to those few people who choose to read.

When I think of the things I am most passionate about, the subjects on which I am most likely to have things to say, they largely fall into the categories of faith, fiction, or feminism. Here is a brief elucidation of what each of these topics means to me…

“Christianity is the story I will wrestle with forever.” (Rachel Held Evans, Wholehearted FaithMy worldview was shaped by Christianity, and while my theology, beliefs, opinions, and practices continue to evolve, faith will always define a large part of who I am and what I care about. My struggle with the beauty and ugliness, good and harm, that faith can bring into the world will often show up in what I choose to write about. 

I love storytelling. Be it in books, television, movies, anywhere – a good story is one of my favorite things in life. I believe fiction plays a vital role in society, on both cultural and personal levels. Stories speak to my soul in many beautiful ways, so I write about the fiction that I love in all its forms.

I’m not scared of the word. I have no qualms in declaring myself a feminist, and I think you should be too! While I’m all-in with feminism as a theory of or advocacy for gender equality, it also means more to me than just that. When I refer to feminism here I mean all aspects of being female: my role as a mom or a wife or a voter or an advocate for female church leadership. Many feminine topics interest me, and to me, that’s all feminist.

You can read my blog introduction here, or you can click on the Blog page in the menu to read any of my various posts.